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Laser Hair Removal

Making unwanted hair a thing of the past with IPL treatment.

Unwanted hair can be inconvenient, irritating or embarrassing. You want a permanent solution that’s fast, safe and uses the latest technology so you can look and feel your best. We can help. 


Finding the right solution for you.

We understand that when you have unwanted body hair, you want to find a solution that’s effective and easy. 


The usual methods of removing your unwanted hair are a real chore. Shaving, waxing or using tweezers takes up precious time and can be very uncomfortable. Other methods can remove the hair for you but need to be repeated on a regular basis. We have an alternative. 

What is IPL hair removal?

The Defender Laser can treat most areas of the body in both women and men, including the face. 


In the vast majority of cases a series of treatments will permanently reduce the unwanted hair from the target area. Our methods are proven and safe. All hair removal is carried out by trained staff.

How IPL Hair Removal works.

It removes hair by sending out high-energy light pulses. Which affect both the existing hair and the follicles where the hair grows.


IPL works best at removing hair when it’s in the active growth phase. But not all the hair in the treatment area will be in this phase at any given time. So we spread our IPL treatments out over a period of time. This is to make sure that hair which isn’t treated in one session is affected in the next. The way hair grows is slightly different for everyone.


Your initial consultation

If you decide you want to find out more, the next step is to come in for a consultation. This is your opportunity to ask any questions you might have and discuss what you want to achieve from your hair removal treatments.

Your IPL treatment

The hair removal procedure itself is very straightforward. You’ll lie on a couch or bed and make yourself comfortable. As a safety measure, you’ll be asked to wear some eye protection. The laser technician will cover the area in a gel (similar to that used for Ultrasound scans) then run the laser head, a small handheld unit, slowly over the specified area. You might feel a slight burning and tingling sensation. Sometimes the skin swells or reddens slightly, depending on which part of your body is being treated. 


Afterwards we’ll apply cooling packs to the area to minimise any discomfort. Treatment times vary depending on the person and the area being treated. Depending on what treatment you’re having, the procedure can be as brief as ten minutes.


Will I need more than one treatment session?

Normally six to eight treatment sessions are needed to provide a permanent reduction of hair growth. This is because at any given time some of the follicles in the treatment area won’t be in the growth phase. We spread our treatments out to make sure that hair that isn’t treated in one session is affected in the next. Facial hair tends to be more stubborn and may need ten to twelve treatment sessions or occasionally more in very resistant cases. 


The gap between sessions is usually four weeks for facial areas and six weeks for body areas. The number of hair removal sessions depends on various factors, including where the hair is, how thick it is and also your particular skin type and hair colour. For the best results we recommend that you complete the full series of treatment sessions.

After IPL hair removal

For the first few days after your treatment you should apply aloe vera gel to soothe the affected area. A sun-cream of at least SPF30 should be applied to exposed treated areas every day for at least four weeks, regardless of the weather. You should not expose the treated area to the sun or use sun beds for at least four weeks before and after treatment.


What are the risks of IPL hair removal?

There may be some redness and swelling after the treatment but this usually only lasts one or two days. Sometimes there can be an increase or loss of pigmentation (colouring) in the skin. In a very small number of cases the skin’s texture may change slightly. IPL very rarely causes scarring.

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